Right Business strategy is foundational for Successful Digital Transformation

Organizations are trying to achieve business agility with right strategy, Right set of digital products and deliver those digital products to influence improved business efficiency, effectiveness and customer experience. Most of the organization is successful on the last part which is deliver value faster. some organization is successful in second part also which is defining right digital products. but most of the organizations face challenges in defining right strategy which is foundational for other two parts. This session will talk about what’s business objective, what’s business strategy and how organization define business strategy

Key Takeaways:

1) Understand overview of 3 phases that enables organization digital transformation success.
2)What’s Business strategy. how to define business strategy. how to translate business strategy into digital initiatives
3) How to productize those digital initiatives
4)How to define product vision, OKRs and Roadmap
5)Approach to Deliver them Faster