From Rigid to Resilient: The Future of Networking Being Agile

This Session Explores the evolution from traditional, rigid networks to agile networking solutions designed to meet modern IT demands for resilience and adaptability. It begins by examining the limitations of static network configurations and the transformative impact of digital advancements that necessitate greater speed, flexibility, and scalability.

The discussion highlights core technologies driving this shift, including Software-Defined Networking (SDN), virtualization, automation, and cloud computing. Agile networking offers numerous benefits, such as enhanced customer satisfaction, cost efficiency, and improved resilience to change, alongside faster convergence.

However, transitioning to agile networks involves addressing challenges related to integration, skill gaps, and security risks. Looking ahead, the integration of AI and Intent-Based Networking (IBN) represents key future trends. The conclusion summarizes these insights and reflects on the future trajectory of agile networking.

Key Takeaways
1.The Shift from Rigid to Resilient Networks
2.Core Technologies Enabling Agile Networking
3.Benefits of Agile Networking
4.Challenges in transitioning
5.Future trends