Shriram Viswanathan

Shriram has over 3 decades of experience in IT with unique blend of tech, process and business roles. He has worked in IT services firms like Tata, MphasiS, Wipro He was instrumental in integrating captives into IT services, worked in captives, builds captives for large clients and is building products which can be run as a business. He innovates passionately and continuously, understands customer experience, business, technology, finance, equity and is a true technocrat having worked in IT Services, Captives, Startups, Products, Product Services, has architected complex large scalable B2B and B2C products with patents and has Global (US, UK, Japan, EMEA, ANZ, South East Asia) and Local exposure (within India)

  • Company:SRKay Consulting Group
  • Short Bio:Chief Business Officer
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