Gunjan Zutshi

Ms.Gunjan Zutshi is currently Co-Founder of Agilesatva Consulting LLP. She has over 25 years of experience. Co creator of Agilesatva – a change enablement company for Agile implementation in organisations and an ICF accredited coach(ACC). She worked with senior leadership teams for system wide change interventions to build leadership effectiveness, build desired culture, vision and values, competency framework design, talent and performance management and learning & development. Done extensive work with teams to enhance inter / intra team effectiveness.

She is Certified Organisation Development and Change Practitioner from Indian Society for Applied Behaviour Science (ISABS), FIRO B administrator and assessor for assessment / development centers. Certification programs in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Appreciative Enquiry (AI). Extensively involved in Group Relations Conferences and has been on staff of these conferences in India. Certified Transactional Analyst – Psychotherapy (CTA-P) with private practice in Bangalore.

  • Company:Agilesatva Consulting LLP
  • Short Bio:Co-Founder
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