Suvrajit Sarkar

Mr.Suvrajit Sarkar is a Product Manager turned Entrepreneur who specializes in building profitable digital products, maximizing monetization by building engagement within the products.

As a Product Management and Product Design expert, he has been applying research-based principles to understand the core needs of the users and build new products or optimize existing products with new and profitable features and marketing techniques.

As a customer experience design practitioner, he fundamentally believes that everyone should have thoughtfully designed environments that nourish and sustain their lives. He does this by working across disciplines to manifest social change and re-envision the places we work, play, and gather.

His engagement design methodology has a 360-degree approach that involves everything from design research, live experiments, re-envisioning everyday products and services, digital space, sustainable development, and designing unparalleled customer experiences in the hospitality space.

Fun Facts about Suvrajit:
Suvrajit finds peace in taking long drives when things are not going his way. On his return, he either finds a new solution or finds a new perspective to look at the problem at hand. According to him, it is like rebooting his system.

  • Short Bio:Entrepreneur (Product Management)
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