Agile Network India, Ahmedabad Chapter brings an Interesting Session Talk on ‘The Connected Leadership’. It is scheduled on 30th January 2022 between 15:00 to 15:50 Hours IST.

To ensure that their organizations are resilient to context change, leaders must make them agile. Agility requires all members of an organization to be fully engaged in order to respond to the changes they sense (whether or not these fall within their remit).
The ‘real’ organization is made up of the networks of relationships people have within (and outside) the ‘formal’ organization. This is the organization leaders can rely on for agility. As a network, this ‘real’ organization is robust and flexible. To be a great leader is not to be able to lead the ‘formal’ organization but rather to channel the vitality of the ‘real’ organization towards the delivery of the ‘formal’ organization’s objectives. It is this ability that is called ‘connected leadership’.

Motivation exists in everyone – it is your job to find it.

Your organization is a community of individuals looking to co-create, not a collection of human resources waiting to deliver.

Bribery is no longer a performance management option.

Focus on relationships, not structures.

Leadership is about being followed.

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