17:00 - 17:50 Hours IST
17:00 - 17:50 Hours IST
“Because the future doesn’t just happen, We create it” – Hannan Fry
Digital transformation and technology advancement are pivotal in solving business problem and managing change at higher speed than ever. One of the paradigm shifts is to create value than creating asset. So , the next obvious question is how to measure value ?
In this session, we will talk about value levers starting from differentiating customer Vs consumer to value realization. Will talk about how B2B and B2C are becoming commodity and H2H (human-to-human) touch is way to enable experiences .
Key Take-aways:
1. Its all about experience , virtual makes its challenging yet innovative.
2. Customer Vs Consumer , last mile connectivity with experience.
3. Synergy between Engineering and Product Management.
4. B2B/B2C (Business-to-business/ Business-to-customer) to H2H (Human to Human).