Accelerating In-Sprint Automation with BDD

In the fast-paced world of startups, technical agility is a critical factor for success. As startups strive to deliver innovative products and rapidly respond to market changes, their ability to adapt and scale becomes paramount. This presentation will explore how startups can leverage technical agility to gain a competitive edge, improve product quality, and achieve sustainable growth. We will dive into specific strategies and best practices that startups can employ to enhance their technical agility, empowering Agile teams to excel in an ever-evolving market
Introduction to Technical Agility and Building a Foundation for Technical Agility:
Agile Engineering Practices for Startups/DevOps and Continuous Delivery for Startups
How to Measure Technical Agility
Case Studies of Technically Agile Startups
Challenges of Technical Agility for Startups and References to start implementing Technical Agility