Consider Culture When Implementing Agile Practices

While working with globally distributed teams , I came across multiple organisations with different cultures from multiple different countries . My journey taught me that understanding cultural diversities in an agile way of working is the important pillar for the first core value of agile – Individuals and interactions over processes and tools. In this session I want to share my experiences and examples of cultural diversities that I came across while working as a scrum master with a European bank and my European bank Colleagues.

Key Takeaways:

1. How to detect if cultural diversity is affecting agile way of working in distributed teams.
2. Agile is a culture, more than a process.
3. Few examples of how cultural diversity, if not paid attention to, affects the scrum events.
4. Burdens of waterfall culture , we carry forward to agile culture.
5. How to overcome cultural diversities and give a feeling of one-team in a distributed agile way of working.