Design Thinking is a new form of Collaboration to achieve innovation via creative thinking. It’s a methodology that promotes innovative ideas and creative way to problem solving. Technical feasibility, Marketability and User centricity are key facets of DesignThinking, with latter being at core. ‘User’s needs’ is at the centre and present in each step of the process with constant feedback
mechanism during the process that enables faster prototyping and testing. This approach of designing compliments Agile delivery
methodology for quicker IT deliveries.
Design Thinking as a concept got its due hype recently, but lot remains to be explored and explained. Questions like “How Design
Thinking affects ROI, time to Market, NPS and what can it accomplish?” have been asked by many. Find the answers to these
questions through the session on 22nd Feb.
- Date:22/02/2020
- Time:10:50
- Event:Role and impact of Design Thinking in Business Agility @Pune