Fostering Psychological safety in remote teams to build high performance


Psychological safety is required to form highly successful, inclusive, high-performing, productive, and creative teams. Teams are facing quite a lot of challenges getting used to the “New Normal” where all the members are logging in remotely. This session will focus on how Maslow’s hierarchy of needs could be extended to remote working, Some statistics around remote working, Advantages and disadvantages of working remotely and what are possible steps which could be taken by the organizations, managers, colleagues and we as individuals in order to improve productivity while working remotely.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Understand Maslow’s hierarchy of Needs for remote working team members
  2. Understand how organizations, manager, team members, and individuals can aid in building trust
  3. Understand the Behaviors of high performing teams
  4. Understand the advantages of Remote working along with some stats
  5. Understand the disadvantages of Remote working