Practical Lessons on building an Agile Culture

“On starting an agile transformation, many organizations emphasize and discuss tribes, squads, chapters, scrums, and DevOps pipelines. Our research shows, however, that the people dimension—culture especially—is the most difficult to get right.
Lesson 1: Define the from–tos
Lesson 2: Make it personal
Lesson 3: Culturally engineer the architecture
Lesson 4: Monitor and learn
Culture counts in all organizational transformations; it becomes critical in agile transformations. Organizations can do agile by changing their structure, processes, and technology. But they cannot be agile without changing the way people work and interact daily. Enabling a successful, agile transformation requires a fundamental shift in culture.
” Building Agile Culture at Company Changing the way people work and interact daily All messages employees receive from the company are consistent with its cultural values The cultural values and themes of focus, ownership, and retrospection are embedded in all HR and people processes The employer brand, recruitment process, and onboarding journey ensure every new employee understands the agile culture’s cornerstones