Reduce Waste, Maximize Impact

“In today’s fast-paced world, more software sometimes means a better outcome. As Jeff Patton said, “”Your job isn’t to build more software faster; it’s to maximise the outcome and impact you get from what you choose to build.”” Identifying things that add value and things that don’t is an art. This can have a significant impact on product development and delivery.

In this session, we will explore how to increase impact by reducing waste through continuous improvements on outcomes, lean development, value stream mapping, and more. The benefits of this approach include faster time to market and the ability to innovate. We will discuss examples of waste, why it’s important to reduce it, and how to achieve this by focusing on outcomes rather than outputs, avoiding assumptions, having diverse perspectives, and having a “”thinking like a scientist”” approach. By being willing to pivot and optimise for results, we can achieve maximum impact and minimise waste in software development.”

Waste in software development
Importance of identifying and eliminating waste
Value-driven development: outcomes vs outputs
Avoid assumptions and incorporate diverse perspectives
Simplicity is the art of maximizing the amount of work not done