The Power of Retrospection

Introduction: Explain the importance of retrospectives for team improvement. Start with Agile Manifesto. Retrospection is one of 12 principles of Agile Manifesto. Start the session with Personal Retrospection then divert to Project.
I will also highlight some Misconceptions: Address common biases and misunderstandings.
I will run through their Frameworks: Set the Stage, Gather Data, Generate Insight, Decide What to Do and Close the Retrospective .
Best Practices: Share tips for running effective retrospectives.
Discussion: Encourage sharing experiences and Q&A.

Key Takeaways

Understand Retrospection Framework (Set the Stage, Gather Data, Generate Insights, Decide What to Do, Close the Retrospective)

Benefits, Values of Retrospection

Live examples focus on Improved Productivity, Improved Capability, Improved Quality and Increased Capacity

How to leading Retrospectives

It helps audience to clear old perspective around retrospective and get the real key facts.