Waterfall & Agile – The mindset in building Scalable Product

Will be talking about my experience with water fall and agile methodologies while planning and executing large scale transformation projects in telecom sector over the last decade. Focus will be on learnings taken and mistakes made; how risks were turned into opportunities and how customer collaboration was achieved. I will also be talking about my experience with a Telecom operator based out of Bangalore and how the focus of all discussions was around end user experience and how to enhance it. Stressing on the importance of prototyping and how one of the Ideas that had come out of a hackathon as a prototype was developed into a full-fledged product and licensed to a Tier -1 operator in India to solve their bandwidth congestion issues with network. I will be taking about my failure in one of the projects where learnings around customer collaboration were taken. Moving on to planning and building a scalable product I will be talking about the considerations and approach for decision making which is a key for building products that can scale. I will cover finally the waste in agile development process and how to avoid it as a leader. Finally, I will conclude with the parameters that should be measured to review the performance of a delivery team / organization and the research around it.


Experience with Waterfall – (Sharing experience with a customer in Trivandrum)
Agile requirement gathering – (Sharing experience with Tier -1 telecom company in Bangalore)
Prototyping : A product built out of a hackathon and licensed to a customer
Agile teams & stakeholder collaboration techniques (Sharing experience with Tier -1 Telecom operator based out of Mumbai and learnings)
How to plan to build a scalable product? E.g. of Healthcare application and the journey
UX addressing the minority user base – if it works for them it works for all !
Backend architecture and how it can scale?
Use of Open API for scalability
What is waste and how to avoid it?
Measuring delivery performance