Elevate Value Delivery through UX Design

How to fit UX design into the Scrum process. What does it mean to have Lean UX methodology as part of Agile process. Why is it important for UX to be part of Agile process.

At its heart, UX design is about empathizing with the user and seeing the world through their eyes. Similarly, UX in Agile is about seeing the work from the perspective of the assigned user stories and following up about tasks divided into manageable chunks.

Realize the benefits of having a UX designer as part of the scrum team.

Key Takeaways

1.Importance of UX in scrum
2. How to fit in UX in scrum teams
3.The different UX activities to be included in Agile
4.What is UX design in scrum
5.How to manage UX in dev scrum team