Karan Nangru

Mr. Karan Nangru began his career in technology as a programmer where after leading product development initiatives for institutes in banking and finance he started focussing on global consulting and technology evangelism. An alma-mater of McKinsey & Company group, Mr. Karan has participated in various conferences worldwide to present his research on the latest in technology and agile software development. His work has been covered by various publications.

After McKinsey & Company, Mr. Karan joined back a then nimble Dutch technology services firm as consulting CTO in 2013 and was instrumental in driving global growth for the same as Chief Digital Officer and later Managing Director for the United States. Apart from steering the global technology services business of the firm, Mr. Karan was also credited for his work done to fill the gap between academia and industry by seeding the idea of niche specialisations in DevOps, Data & Digital for computer science engineering programs at university level in India.

Realising that Cloud Native technology is no more a ‘good to have’ skill but a ‘must have’ instead, Mr. Karan launched StatusNeo with a mission to be the leader in Cloud Native Software Development, Consulting and Managed Services. His vision MANDATES the knowledge of Cloud Native technology for every software developer irrespective of the platform, technology framework & language they code in. He believes that we cannot be a successful consultant & technology architect unless we know what cloud native has to offer to solve for speed, scale, elasticity & high availability.

  • Company:StatusNeo
  • Short Bio:CEO
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